Going paperless
A guide to updating your statement delivery settings
To receive electronic statements and “go paperless” on your Investment, Trust and Custody Accounts via Private Bank Online and Mobile, follow the simple steps below.
Switching to paperless statements allows you to view, download and print your statements anytime. Enroll in Private Bank Online and Mobile and online delivery to:
- Receive email notifications to quickly and easily access new account statements
- Reduce the risk of lost or stolen mail and avoid the need to file and secure physical records
- Access up to 7 years of account statements through our secure, password-protected online portals
- Go green, minimize clutter and reduce multiple account statements sent to shared mailing addresses on joint accounts
Let’s get started.
Paperless Elections via Private Bank Online
Step 1: Log into Private Bank Online. On the Overview page, under the Accounts tab, select Statements.

Step 2: On the Statements page, select Change delivery preferences under Related Links.

Step 3: On the Paperless Settings page, select the Paperless radio button under the All accounts section, and click Continue at the bottom of the page.
Reminder: Each individual statement recipient must enroll in paperless settings

Step 4: Review and agree to the Terms & Conditions for paperless delivery settings, then click Confirm Changes at the bottom of the page.

Step 5: A confirmation message will be displayed stating that your delivery preferences were saved successfully.

Paperless Elections via Private Bank Mobile App
Step 1: Log in to the Bank of America Private Bank Mobile App1 and tap the Menu icon.

Step 2: From the Menu, tap Settings.

Step 3: Under Settings, tap Paperless Settings.

Step 4: On the Paperless Settings page, tap the Paperless radio button under the All accounts section, then scroll down to the bottom of the page to tap Continue.

Step 5: Review and agree to the Terms & Conditions for paperless delivery settings, then tap Confirm Changes at the bottom of the page.

Step 6: A confirmation message will be displayed stating that your delivery preferences were saved successfully.

Optional way to access Paperless Settings page
Go paperless banner on Statements page:

¹ The Bank of America Private Bank mobile app is available to clients who have registered for Bank of America Private Bank Online and Mobile.
Note: Not all accounts may be available in paperless format. Bank policy may require us to send at least one statement cycle via regular mail for your trust and estate accounts.
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