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Artificial intelligence: The next great tech wave?

In this first of three videos examining forces poised to transform the global markets and economy, our analysts explore artificial intelligence, or AI, and the hurdles it could face ahead

JUST HOW IMPORTANT IS THE AI REVOLUTION? “In the next couple of years, there will likely be two kinds of companies: Those that start using generative AI, and those that cease to exist,” predicts Haim Israel, head of Global Thematic Investing, BofA Global Research.

In the video above, Chris Hyzy, Chief Investment Officer for Merrill and Bank of America Private Bank, speaks with Israel about the dramatic ways AI is already reshaping industries, the unprecedented infrastructure and energy required to power further advancements, and how investors can begin to assess the potential risks and opportunities.

Coming soon:  Hyzy and Israel explore two more transformative forces: The transition to renewable energy and the future financial power of Generation Z.

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